Hotel Beau Rivage Zermatt Max Julen
Hotel Beau Rivage Zermatt Max Julen Riesenslalom
Hotel Beau Rivage Zermatt Max Julen Riesenslalom
Hotel Beau Rivage Zermatt Max Julen Riesenslalom Olympische Spiele 1984


Name: Max Julen
Date of birth: March 15th 1961
Place of birth: Zermatt (Wallis, Switzerland)
Family status: Married since September 16th 1989 to Karin Inniger and father of three children: Laura 1991, Jonas 1996, Marc 1999

– Goldmedal in the Olympic Games in Sarajawo 1984
– 2nd place in Worldcup – overall Giant-Slalom Season 1982/83

Spring 1987
– Max withdrew from Worldcup-racing in 1987
– US Pro Tour: Winter 1988/89 and 1989/90
– Since 1990 Max has been working in the parents Hotel Beau-Rivage in Zermatt and in 1996 he took it over and runs it now with his wife Karin.
– Since 1987 Max is a passionate golfer and has made it so far to handicap 1.8